
OVER is a TypeScript and Node.js plug & play comments micro-service that allows you create a comments, get, filter, rating, and paginate the incoming data from the API's endpoint .. and also nested replies using one to many self-relationship.

Built using pure express.js application with MySQL without using an ORM.

Project Structure

|--dev                        // Dev directory.
|   |--types                  // includes TypeScript's local types.
|   |   |--root.d.ts
|--node_modules               // Node modules directory.
|--src                        // Source directory.
|   |--app                    // App directory.
|   |   |--Controllers        // Includes app's controllers (e.g. HomeController.ts).
|   |   |--Http               // Http directory which includes (middlewares, kernel. router..)
|   |   |   |--Middleware     // Place to create and register a middlewares.
|   |   |   |--Kernel.ts      // Server's kernel class.
|   |   |   |--Router.ts      // An easy router class to work with routes (inspired by Laravel).
|   |   |--Models             // Includes app's models (e.g. Comment.ts).
|   |   |--Validations        // Request's validation.
|   |   |--helpers.ts         // Includes helpers methods to be used elsewhere in the application.
|   |--config                 // Config directory
|   |   |--app.ts             // Application's configurations.
|   |   |--database.ts        // Database's configurations.
|   |--database               // Database directory
|   |   |--connection.ts      // Database Connection.
|   |   |--migrations.ts      // Database mifrations.
|   |--routes                 // Routes directory.
|   |   |--api.ts             // api routes.
|   |--server.ts              // Server class.
|--.env                       // environment variables file.
|--.gitignore                 // gitignore file.
|--nodemon.json               // Nodemon configurations.
|--tsconfig.json              // Typescript config file.

13 directories, 21 files


Columns ofcomments table

Last updated